Week 2 entry

I found the metaphor of the glass bedroom in the Pearson reading particularly helpful in understand the concepts of social networking as a platform, for performance. The idea that social networking sites can be used as personal and impersonal means of communications, and the fact that unintended third parties can access these communications is interesting.
Reading it reminded me of an incident that happened to a friend several months ago. She works for a student organisation. This particular student organisation, like many others uses social media to stay in touch with members as well as business partners. This girl had a bad day at work, went home and posted a negative comment on Facebook about what had happened at work and generally how much she disliked being in the organisation.
Obviously the managers of the organisation were outraged. Not the fact that there were negative comments, but by the fact that it had been played out on a public platform to potential partners and members. The organisation understood the glass bedroom concept.
After talking to the girl it became apparent that she did not understand the consequences of her comments. In this case it seemed that social networking sites have become so normal, that some people do not understand everything they say and do is seen by almost everyone?

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